Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My father, a.k.a. "The BIG Tuna" passed away this past Sunday.

 After being surrounded with family for almost a week, he passed away with only me in the room.  I wasn't sure if I could handle being there when the time came...wondered if it would be a magical and spiritual moment or one that would invade my dreams and make me uncomfortable.  My brother was so caring and supportive, "If you're not sure you can handle it, that's ok...go for a walk, I will be here."  Pretty ironic that of the 6 people that were there that day that I was the only one with him at that moment.  It wasn't scary....I talked him [and probably more myself] through it, "I love you Dad....If it's your time to go it's OK to let go...We will be OK...We will take care of Mom....Go in peace...."  I feel honored to have him as a father and honored to have been there when life left his body.

Love you Dad...Rest in Peace